The security arm of Nethermind

Nethermind Security encompasses all of Nethermind’s blockchain expertise, zeroed in on security solutions for Ethereum and Starknet builders.
Smart Contract Audits
Formal Verification
Real-Time Monitoring

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TRUSTED BY the best
about us

We encompass all of Nethermind’s blockchain expertise, zeroed in on security solutions for Ethereum and Starknet builders.

What we do

Smart Contract Audits

Our security researchers conduct thorough audits specifically tailored to the challenges of the Ethereum and Starknet ecosystems. We are well versed in auditing Solidity and Cairo smart contracts across large infrastructure, DeFi, and FinTech projects. Our cooperative, client-focused approach expedites the smart contract review, improving audit report quality and turnaround time.

Formal Verification

Nethermind Security provides specialized formal verification in ZK-circuits verification, EVM-based smart contract verification, and Starknet smart contract verification. Our range of services cater to your project's specific needs and include specification drafting, development of property testers, full-stack verification, and the development of advanced automated tools.

Real-Time Monitoring

Our real-time monitoring team designs custom Forta Network detection bots for blockchain protocols. To date, we have engineered and maintained over 200 bots customized for 20 distinct protocols across 7 blockchains and counting. In addition to specializing in Forta bot development and maintenance, we have developed smart contracts for the Forta Network.”

Expertise across ...

Our security audit experts conduct thorough reviews, specifically tailored to the challenges of the Ethereum and Starknet ecosystems.

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Lines of code audited by Nethermind Security since 2022


Published articles by auditors


Bots customized on Forta Network


Lines of code audited by Nethermind Security since 2022


Lines of code audited by Nethermind Security since 2022

Featured audits

Nethermind Security completed an audit of the Puffer Finance protocol

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Layer 2
Nethermind Security completed an audit of the zkLend protocol

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Pragma audit

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Smart Contracts
Nethermind Security has completed 6 audits for Worldcoin

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Layer 2
Nethermind Security completed an audit of the PolygonID protocol

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Nethermind Security completed an audit of the Gyroscope protocol

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Featured audits

Nethermind Security completed an audit of the Puffer Finance protocol

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Layer 2
Nethermind Security completed an audit of the zkLend protocol

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Pragma audit

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Smart Contracts
Nethermind Security has completed 6 audits for Worldcoin

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Layer 2
Nethermind Security completed an audit of the PolygonID protocol

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Nethermind Security completed an audit of the Gyroscope protocol

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